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12th CIRP Global Web Conference
CIRPe 2024

Join us for State-of-the-Art Advancements in Manufacturing


22nd - 23rd




Welcome to the 12th CIRP Global Web Conference CIRPe 2024. The theme of the conference is Advances in cross-scale technologies: from ACSM to large scale digital manufacturing. State-of-the-art reviews or original research advancements will focus on subtractive/additive manufacturing, hybrid manufacturing, and surface engineering at the atomic, close-to-atomic, nana, micro, and meso-scale as well as macro-scale manufacturing. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by the CIRPe 2024 International Scientific Committee, comprising of esteemed CIRP fellows, associate members, and research affiliates.

Conference Topics

1. Manufacturing Process 2. Hybrid Manufacturing 3. Additive Manufacturing 4. Metrology 5. Sustainable Manufacturing 6. ACSM & Nanomanufacturing 7. Manufacturing Systems 8. Digital Manufacturing 9. Robotic Technologies



OCT 22nd - 23rd

How to Join

IMPORTANT: Please be aware that an updated program with new session links was published 20/10/2024


To join, simply click on the program below, and select the session in the new window.


Passcode: CIRP​​




Download Full Program Here




Advancing Industrial Automation

Dr. Blake Kendrick


CEng, MIET, Renishaw plc


Advancing Industrial Automation

Industrial Automation is facing multiple challenges in growing at the rate in which industry demands. Automation set-up, diagnostics and service is not automatic, and speed to implement and performance once installed can be impaired. Despite this, a series of easy to realise tools and approaches can be utilised to streamline processes, record outcomes, and feedback process control. These steps are baselining newly created automation cells so they are more reliable and can yield better performance – opening the potential for new applications. This keynote speech will outline some of these major challenges and the steps which can be taken in the near- and mid-term to address them.

About the speaker: After completing a doctorate in Systems Engineering focusing on hybrid manufacture, Blake has spent over a decade working in companies targeting process control, automation, robotics, tactile-probing and vision-based products. Combining a technical background with lived commercial experience, he is most recently focused on improving the state of Industrial Automation using 21st century methods to transform the setup, diagnostics and performance of robots.

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Prof. Shreyes N. Melkote


Fellow CIRP, Fellow ASME, Fellow SME, Goergia Institute of Technology


Enabling Cyber Manufacturing As-a-Service Framework through Data-Driven Modelling Approaches


Future manufacturing envisions cyber manufacturing as-a-service frameworks that cater to on-demand production of discrete engineered products. These services are being enabled by recent advances in digitalization of the manufacturing enterprise spanning the factory floor and the supply chain through Industry 4.0/5.0 concepts and technologies. Critical to the success of this vision are computational tools that enable human-in-the-loop and, when safe and possible, automated decision-making. This talk will discuss the role of data- (and physics)-driven computational tools in decision-making at various stages of the design-to-manufacturing translation of discrete engineered products. Specifically, it will address the use of modern AI/ML (and physics-based) computational capabilities to automate key manufacturing decision-making or planning steps including manufacturability assessment, process selection and sequencing, and other aspects of detailed process planning with a focus on cutting processes. The talk will conclude with an overview of recent work on privacy-preserving data-driven modelling approaches for secure manufacturing supplier selection in a future cyber manufacturing as-a-service marketplace.

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Enabling Cyber Manufacturing As-a-Service Framework through Data-Driven Modelling Approaches 

About the speaker: Prof. Shreyes Melkote holds the Morris M. Bryan, Jr. Professorship in Mechanical Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) in Atlanta, U.S.A. He also serves as the Executive Director of the Novelis Innovation Hub at Georgia Tech and as Associate Director of the Georgia Tech Manufacturing Institute. His research spans many areas of manufacturing including precision machining, surface modification, industrial robotics, and AI/ML methods for inferring manufacturing capability knowledge from data. He is a recipient of the 2024 ASME Milton C. Shaw Manufacturing Research Medal, the 2023 SME Gold Medal, the ASME Blackall and Machine Tool Gage Award, and several best paper awards from ASME and NAMRI/SME. He is a former President of NAMRI/SME and a former ASME Foundation Swanson Fellow at the Interagency Advanced Manufacturing National Program Office at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). He is a Fellow of CIRP, ASME, and SME


Prof. Paulo Bartolo


Nanyang Technological University


Advances in materials design using additive manufacturing


About the speaker: Since August 2021, Paulo Bartolo is Professor at the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Nanyang Technological University and Executive Director of the Singapore Centre for 3D Printing.

In February 2014 he joined the University of Manchester (UK) as Chair Professor on Advanced Manufacturing. At the University of Manchester, Paulo Bartolo was the Head of the Manufacturing Group, Leader of the Innovative Manufacturing Research Theme, Member of the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering Executive Committee and Member of the Departmental Committee for the Research Excellence Framework 2021 (REF21) Engineering Unit of Assessment 12 (UOA 12). He was also member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) Committee (2014-2017) and member of the Promotion Committee (2014-2017). At the University of Manchester he was also the Industry 4.0 Academic Lead; member of the Advanced Manufacturing Strategic Oversight Group; member of the Management Board of the EPSRC & MRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Regenerative Medicine; theme leader of the “Industry 4.0” Societal Challenge area within the Digital Futures; and member of the Thomas Ashton Institute (Academic Lead for Industry 4.0 – implications for health and safety).



Paulo Bartolo was the founder and Director of the Centre for Rapid and Sustainable Product Development (2007-2013) at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (Portugal), a Research Centre of Excellence in Mechanical Engineering of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. At the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria he was Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department (2001-2009); President of the Research Assessment Committee (2009-2013); President of the Scientific Council for Research, Development and Advanced Studies (2009-2013).


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Advances in Materials Design Using Additive Manufacturing


Beyond Conventional AM: How Additive Friction Stir Deposition Redefines Possibilities


Dr. Evren Yasa


Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC), University of Sheffield


Beyond Conventional AM: How Additive Friction Stir Deposition Redefines Possibilities 

Solid-state Additive Manufacturing (AM) techniques, including Additive Friction Stir Deposition (AFSD), have emerged as promising alternatives to conventional fusion-based methods. AFSD, a novel solid-state process which is also known as MELD, utilizes bar-type feedstock and frictional-deformational heat as the energy source to achieve bonding through extensive plastic deformation at temperatures below the material’s melting point. This approach eliminates many challenges associated with melting and rapid solidification, such as hot cracking and high residual stresses due to rapid cooling.


The ability to process in ambient air, coupled with high deposition rates and the production of good mechanical properties, makes AFSD a compelling candidate for replacing large-format castings and forgings—particularly in aerospace, naval, nuclear, and automotive sectors, where long lead times are a significant drawback. Despite its potential, AFSD’s low technology readiness level limits wider industrial adoption. Therefore, this talk will explore the latest advances in AFSD, highlighting its advantages, limitations, and the critical relationships between process, microstructure, and mechanical properties.

About the speaker: Dr. Evren Yasa graduated with her degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Istanbul Technical University (Turkey) and completed her master's degree at the University of British Columbia (BC, Canada) on volumetric error modelling and compensation. She received her Ph.D. degree with her thesis on "Combined Process of Selective Laser Melting and Selective Laser Erosion/Laser Re-melting" at the Catholic University of Leuven, for which she was awarded the "Emerald Outstanding Doctoral Study-Highly commended". After her Ph.D. study, she worked as a senior engineer at TEI, a GE-joint venture company specializing in manufacturing aero-engine parts, where she led Additive Manufacturing projects and facilities. Later, she joined Eskisehir Osmangazi University as an assistant professor and worked as a consultant to aerospace and defence companies to adopt Additive Manufacturing processes. She has been working as an independent expert in the field of laser-based manufacturing on behalf of the European Commission to evaluate proposals and project progresses.

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Machining Transformation (MX) - How innovative technologies will shape the future of machining

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Dr.-Ing. habil. Marc-André Dittrich




Machining Transformation (MX) – How innovative technologies will shape the future of machining

Increased product complexity, novel materials, shortage of skilled personnel or resilience of supply chains – these are a just few of the challenges companies in manufacturing face today. On top of that, the industrial sector is responsible for a significant share of green house gas emissions.  As a consequence, nothing less than a machining transformation is required to ensure reliant and sustainable manufacturing in the future. The presentation will highlight DMG MORI’s approach of a machining transformation (MX) that combines the areas of process integration, automation, green transformation (DX) and digital transformation (DX). Based on that, selected technical developments from hybrid machining (additive-subtractive), workpiece scanning, and energy-saving machine tool components will be discussed. Furthermore, the crucial role of academia in developing novel ideas will be addressed. The presentation concludes with an outlook and some open research questions.

About the speaker: After finishing my master’s degree in industrial engineering in 2012, I started as doctoral student at the Institute for Production Engineering and Machine Tools (IFW) at the Leibniz University in Hannover in collaboration with the Daimler AG. My research was focused on tool and process development for machining. In 2016, I obtained my doctoral degree and stayed in academia. During this time, I led several research groups on machining, process simulation and technical production planning.  Since 2023 I am part of DMG MORI’s Central Development Coordination and responsible for our research projects in our European entities. As a former CIRP Research Affiliate and Corporate Member, now, I enjoy the opportunity to exchange and discuss ideas from industry and academia to improve production technology.

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The Conference

The conference will take place online. More details regarding attendance and links to join will be disclosed later.



Conference Chairs

Advisory Board

Scientific Committee

Organizing Committee

University of Edinburgh

University of Manchester

University of Bath

University of Edinburgh

Nanyang Technological University

Tohoku Univerisity

Georgia Institute of Technology

Purdue University

University of Twente

University of Mons

University of Bologna

University of the Basque Country

Polytechnic University of Bari

Teesside University

Technical University of Munich

University of New Hampshire

University of Bath

University of Bristol

Tianjin University

Purdue University

Chalmers University of Technology

National Research Council

Polytechnic University of Milan

Tekniker Research & Technology Centre

Seoul National University 

Technical University of Darmstadt

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Aalen University

Chalmer University of Technology

Technical University of Denmark

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Tianjin University

Technical University of Dortmund

Tongji University

Beihang University




































Nan Yu                   

Murat Kilic              

Stephen Newman      

Joe McGeough

Paulo Bartolo

Wei Gao          

Kaveh Rahimzadeh Berenji

Salil Bapat

Roy Damgrave

Francois Ducobu

Francesco Gabriele Galizia

Haizea Gonzalez

Maria Grazia Guerra

Ali Hassan

Christoph Hartmann

Jinjin Ha

Evros Loukaides

Fengyuan Liu

Min Lai

Xingyu Li

Amir Malakizadi

Hassan Mahmoud

Maria Chiara Magnanini

Unai Mutilba

Yingjun Quan

Benjamin Schleich

Florian Stamer

Nicole Stricker

Roham Sadeghi Tabar

Sara Shafiee

Zhen Tong

Jinshi Wang

Peer Woizeschke

Dongdong Xu

Li Yi       

University of Edinburgh:

Jonathan Corney 

Sam Tammas-Williams

Long Ye

Alasdair Mitchell

Zhaosheng Li

Hao Xue


University of Manchester:

Paul Mativenga

Weiguang Wang

Ahmend Abotoor

Elif Tola Demirel

Hongli Ju

Jiacheng Wang



Jaiyi Lin

Important Dates

Abstract Template

Full Paper Template

Submission Guidance 


17th May                     Abstract submission deadline (Extended deadline 31st May)

24th May                     Full paper submission (Extended deadline 28th June)

21st June                    Notification of paper acceptance (Extended deadline 12th July)

2nd August                 Revised paper submission

6th September           Camera-ready submission (Extended deadline 20th September)

27th September         Author registration payment deadline

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Important Dates


​The registration process matches payment with paper information. Please be prepared to answer appropriating questions to ease this process. ​


Registration Fee (per paper): £190






The registration author deadline is 27th September 2024.

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12th CIRP Global Web Conference



CIRPe 2024 State-of-the-Art Advancements within Manufacturing 


October 22nd-23rd, 2024



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